Sunday, March 7, 2010

Svenska finn

-you have a Longchamp bag

-you have a Mulberry scarf

-your parents know everyone

-You live in Grankulla/Westend/Eira(place in finland)

-you wear Burberry

-you have a Lacoste t-shirt
-you have a common friend with everyone you meet

-you go to Hanken(Swedish School of Economics is one of Scandinavia's oldest business schools)

-you wear a diadem

-you have blonde hair
-you're ambitious

-you're not an emo/hippie/satanist

-both your parents speak swedish
-you're better at speaking English than Finnish
-you think it's normal to sing "snapsvisor" at dinner parties (
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A snapsvisa (Swedish, plural: snapsvisor) is a traditional Scandinavian drinking song which is often sung before drinking a small shot of spirit that is called a snaps).

-you host "kräftskivor" (A crayfishparty, or crayfishfestival, is a traditional Swedish celebration of the crayfish season in late summer and autumn.Crayfish is celebrated even in Finland, particularly among the country's Swedish-speaking population.)

-you like Tomas Ledin(Tomas Ledin (born February 25, 1952 in Rätan, Sweden) is a Swedish singer, songwriter, guitarist and producer. He grew up in the town of Sandviken)

-you know "helan går" by heart
(Helan Går is a popular Swedish drinking song. Helan ("the whole") is an expression signifying the first (small) glass of akvavit in a series, and går means "goes (down)". Thus, it is commonly sung at the drinking of an akvavit, typically the first akvavit if at a seated dinner)

-you play handball/golf/tennis
-you have a summer place in Hangö/the Archipelago
-you would never miss "Hangöregattan"(Hanko Regatta is a regatta organized in sailing metropolis Hanko in Finland every year. The race has a heat daily and held over three days. The goal is inside the EasternHarbor.)

-you like to sail
-you own a boat
-you have a pair of sailing shoes
-you wear chinos

-you wear your Henri Lloid sailing coat all year

-you shop at Ralph Lauren/Gant/Tommy Hilfiger

-you would never go to Seppälä or Prisma for clothes
-money is not an obstacle
-Pappa betalar(This is a common derogatory term used by Swedish speakers referring to young people whose parents pay for their lifestyle of liberal spending.

A Swedish expression meaning "dad pays", used in reference to kids whose parents are well-off, especially their naivete.

Also used as a way of expressing "sugar daddy pays" when a man is buying something extra for a woman) is your motto.

-you love to travel, and you do it all the time
-your dad gave you a car for your bithday
-if your laptop breaks your parents will automatically replace it with a new one
-you go to Svenska Pubben

-you love pastels

-you would not be caught dead in Ale Pub
-you live in a big house
-you love André Wickström, simply because he's the only Swedish-speaking stand-up comedian you know
-you've got one sibling, no more, no less
-you wear pearl earrings
-you went to a Upper secondary school (Gymnasium), probably grani/mattliden/norsen/lärkan
-you've got a swedish surname
-your name is Peter, Sara, Emma or Mikael
-you love to drink, but never alone, unlike the Finns
-you love to dress up
-you have respect for your parents
-you have a good job
-you're afraid to speak swedish when you're walking home, cause someone might beat you up
-all your friends are swedish-speaking Finns too
-you get teased for speaking swedish but don't care
-you subscribe to Hufvudstadsbladet ( online paper

-if you're upset you'll write an article to Hufvudstadsbladet's debate page
-you'll vote for Svenska Folkpartiet (SFP)/( even when you don't know what they stand for.
-you consider midsummer as a holiday
-you listen to X3M (
-when you feel like skiing, you go to Austria, naturally
-you know you'll have a future. If nothing else, your dad will buy you one
-you think voting for the prettiest Lucia nominee is normal.
-you are simply a bit better than everyone else

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