Monday, September 12, 2011

Heart and Mind - A


Habibi! Jag tänkte skicka det hela som ett sms, då insåg jag att detta kan vara irriterande, men jag hade inget annat val när du skickar sms med texten högst 160 tecken, måste jag lägga alla mina ord i och förklara saker mer noggrant. Jag bryr mig inte om du pratar med mig eller inte, men jag måste röst min åsikt som jag inte kan göra det iverkliga världen, tack för Google Translate, även om jag måste väljamina ord noga. Verkligen språk gör en enorm skillnad i människans liv.

Om du tror att jag älskar dig, sinne jag inte, men inte du någonsin tänkt på varför jag inte kan vara din bästa vän? Jag har inget emot att förloradig, men jag behöver dig tills du är i närheten för mig. Något som höll mig spökar om dig är ditt stygg karaktär och ditt privatliv. Jag önskar du kunde avslöja det för mig en dag eller det andra.

Jag ville säga att min karaktär är mer mjuk med hjärta och hårt medsinnet. Kom ihåg den dagen då du frågade mig, som du behövertrygghet. Jag kom upp till dig att hjälpa att ge mitt fulla stöd till dig,varför kan inte du göra det inreturn till mig när jag ber om vård.

Jag ville spenderade tid med dig och lära sig något språk från dig. Jag sökte också och hämtade filmer för dig att titta i min dator men allamina drömmar var lika drömmar. Jag har lagt våra brev och texter min hemsida ( att komma ihåg att jag levde med den här personen vid denna tid.

Jag tror på "lagen om attraktion". I det första fallet väljer jag dig.Senare varför du drar min uppmärksamhet mot dig? varför kom du tillmin klass att besöka mig ofta? varför du ville att jag skulle gå bakom dig för dessa få dagar? utsäde som ni begravda i mig försöker att växa ut igen. Jag visste dagarna i Halmstad är väldigt få men jag behöver en vårdande hjärta att bry mig. Jag behöver ett bra sinne som stödjer mig både mentalt och fysiskt. kommer du att hedra mig?

Habibi! I thought of sending the whole thing as an sms, then I realized that this could be annoying, but I also had no other choice while sending sms with text not more than 160 characters, I have to put all my words in and explain things more carefully. I don't care whether you talk to me or not, but I have to voice out my opinion which I can't do it in real world, thanks for the google translate, though I need to choose my words carefully. Really language makes a huge difference in man's life.

If you think am loving you, I don't mind but don't you ever thought why I can't be your best friend? I don't mind of loosing you, but I need you until you are nearby to me. Something which kept me haunting about you is your naughty character and your personal life. I wish you could reveal it to me one day or the other.

I wanted to say that my character is more soft with the heart and hard with the mind. Remember the day when you asked me, that you need security. I came up for you helping giving my full support to you, why can't you do it inreturn to me when I ask for care.

I wanted to spent time with you and learning some language from you. I also searched and downloaded movies for you to watch in my computer but all my dreams remained just as dreams. I have put our letters and texts in my website ( to remember that I lived with this person at this period.

I believe in 'law of attraction'. In the first case, I choose you. Then later why did you draw my attention towards you? why did you come to my class to visit me often? why did you wanted me to go behind you for those few days? the seed which you burried in me is trying to grow back. I knew the days in halmstad is very few but I need a caring heart to care me. I need a good mind which supports me both mentally and physically. will you honour me?!1427



    as well as

    Post Exchange for you. Life, Love and the eternal quest to fit in both can be a mystery. Do not give up that it really does exhist.


    This is the First time when I met alicia in SFI , knowingly or unknowingly she found me and then all it stared.. I never knew her until I saw her after asking for the picture after this dance. I remembered the day, She was wearing the white dress which attracted me more than her any other features. She couldn't communicate with me after when I asked about the picture.. I couldn't discover that she doesn't English at that point. She looked different in the picture than in real, but she was beautiful as usually. I even told this thing to her. She looked like a angel to me in my first sight and then later I started hunting after her. I found his video yesterday from the African guy, s desperately want to see her. After watching this video I loved her moves at 00:26. damn I'm missing her badly and this is how fate works for me.


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