One would wonder what would they do after completing their Bachelors or Masters studies. Obviously! The majority of them would seek for jobs. Ending up with a job with their related studies, could be a great gift to them, as they would have spent years and years of education investing their efforts and time to obtain that relevant. Anyways, this post is for the people who is looking for a job in Sweden or any of the Scandinavian countries.
Before applying for a job, one has to be very clear about their position what they are looking or applying for. Jobs may require a candidate to have experience in their required field or jobs would be a part time, depends upon the company contract.
The candidate, who applies for a job should have his resume prepared initially. Along with the resume, they have to prepare the cover letter, in which they will specify, why they are interested in the position to which they are applying for. These are major things which help the recruiter to select the candidate easily. It hardly takes 1-3 Minutes for a recruiter to observe the resume and find the motto of the candidate, so the job appliers should mainly focus on these documents.
Recent improvement in the IT and management services has a new system to recruit the employee. Services like Taleo and other online cloud based management services, provides the system to create a profile for a candidate and provides an easy services for both recruiter and employee.
Few companies who recruit people doesn't need users to log into their portal and fill in their information, instead they get access of the candidate profile built via taleo or other services. This solution is easy for both the candidates, as they don't need to fill in the information on their profile, when they apply for a job. Similarly, the recruiter will be holding a general database of these candidates.
Most of these human resource software, have things in common for the candidates who apply for the job. I have tried to pull out the common information which would be available for an employee to fill in. Since my focus is on Swedish companies, I try to list out the things, which are available in Swedish versions.
Before you enter your information, one need to create a user ID and password for their profile.
There might be some usage of few capital letters and numbers while creating a password.
Once if they have gone through the procedure they are landed on a page where they need to create a CV and enter their personal details
Skapa / uppdatera ditt CV - Creating a CV
Personuppgifter - Personal Details
Förnamn: *
Efternamn: *
Födelsedatum: *
E-post: *
Repetera e-post: *
Telefon privat: *
Telefon mobil:
Adress: *
Postnummer: *
Postort: *
Erfarenhet - Telling about the experiences in their previous companies
Skapa / uppdatera ditt CV
Beskrivning av tjänst:
Bifoga betyg:
Utbildning - Writing about their recent education details
Skapa / uppdatera ditt CV
Typ av utbildning:
Körkort - Writing about the driving licence
IT-kunskaper - Knowledge with respect to your domain.
Språkkunskap - Languages learnt
Kurs/Certifiering - Certifications Done
Bifoga din egen CV - Attachment to their certificates.
Bifoga CV:
Övriga Frågor
Vilket av Vxxxx bolag söker du till?
Vilken ort söker du tjänst i?
Vilken typ av tjänst/befattning är du intresserad av?
(Tips: Håll ned Ctrl-tangenten för att välja flera)
Bifoga CV:
Bifoga CV inkl personligt brev:
Bifoga personligt brev:
Due to time limitations, I cannot explain all the fields in it. I hope with the help of online translators one can, translate into their own languages.
Anyways, these fields are filled and saved Before applying for any position of the job.
The cover letter should be precise that the recruiter should able to determine, for what the candidate has applied for this position.
Mandatory details mentioned with asterisk should be filled in.
In few portals, they may include the reference field, in which you can refer to the people, whom you know within the organization or external members.
The last will be the interesting part of the candidates, who are seeking various jobs within their target of interest .
The feedback form:
Career Days Göteborg 12 april 2013
Vän/Kontakt på Sxxxxx
Vän/Kontakt utanför Sxxxxx
The form is filled out and tell the recruits, where you have learnt the ads initially and report it to them for the feedback service.
What I learnt in sweden is mostly the applications are not reviewed during the end of the week, depending upon the urgent requirements of a compnay, but candidates will be mailed on monday, as my inbox will be filled up with more mails on monday and tuesday morning's, when compared with other week days.
This form is a boost for the employers to look into other job providing websites, in that particular. My advice is to target all the websites mention in those and search for jobs in that. This acts like a spider web for the candidates to get the root of all the major job providers in the country.
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